Monday, January 27, 2020

A Child Behavior Problem Psychology Essay

A Child Behavior Problem Psychology Essay Childrens behavior problems are divided into two major dimensions, they are internalizing and externalizing expressions (Henricson Rydell, 2006). Externalizing problems are behaviors that being harmful, disruptive, and impulsive. These behaviors are mostly stable and usually associated with long term negative outcomes (Henricson Rydell, 2006). Internalized problems are signified by emotions and moods. These symptoms are usually less consistent and cannot predict outcomes (Henricson Rydell, 2006). According to Achenbachs Child Behavior Checklist, childrens behaviors are identified into different syndromes. Syndromes refers to problems that tend to occur together. The eight syndromes that Achenbach had identified are Withdrawn, Somatic Complaints, Anxious/Depressed, Social Problems, Thought Problems, Attention Problems, Delinquent Behavior, and Aggressive Behavior. Five of the eight syndromes are grouped into Internalized and Externalized Behavior Problems (Achenbach, 1991). Internalizing is also called Personality Problems and Inhibition. Three syndromes, Withdrawn, Somatic Complaints, and Anxious/Depressed, are grouped under this heading. This group reflects childrens emotional problems (Achenbach, 1991). Externalizing is variously called Conduct Problems and Aggression. Two syndromes, Delinquent Behavior and Aggressive Behavior, are grouped under this heading. This group shows childrens behavioral problems (Achenbach, 1991). Aggression is defined as acts that impose harm on others (Aylward, 2003). Aggressive Behavior is under the grouping of Externalizing (Achenbach, 1991). Externalized aggressive behaviors are stable and are associated with long term negative outcomes (Henricson Rydell, 2006). Risk Factors There are different risks factors that lead to children behavior problem, including childrens personal factors, risks from school, parents marital relationship, parent-child relationship, and parenting and discipline style. Childs Personal Factors Stacks (2005) conceptualized risk factors for externalizing behavior by using ecological framework. Childrens temperament, developmental problems, and gender determine the severity of initial behavior problems. Personal factors, such as genetic factors, cognitive deficit, and hyperactive, also plays an important role in affecting childrens behavior. Children who have behavior problems tend to have cognitive deficit, they are lower problem solving skills (Pettit, 2004). Research shows that depressive symptoms predict antisocial behavior (Vieno, Kiesner, Pastore, Santinello, 2008). The correlations between depressed symptoms and behavioral problems were significant. This finding was also consistent with past studies by Patterson et al.(1992) and Beyers Loeber (2003). However the study suggested that the impacts of depressive symptoms to antisocial behavior occur within relatively short period of time (Vieno, Kiesner, Pastore, Santinello, 2008). Risks from School The quality school environment also plays important role in affecting predict behavior because many children spend most of the time at schools (Stacks, 2005). Studies also showed that conflictual teacher-child relationships and teachers negative responses are associated with children behavioral problems (Stacks, 2005). Pettit (2004) highlighted different risk factors for children antisocial behavior, including poor peer relationships and school failure. These factors cumulate to higher the risk of violent behavior, which was brought from early childhood to adolescent (Pettit, 2004). Parents Marital Relationship Children react to marital conflicts more negatively than other forms of family difficulties, and as a result, marital conflict is a predictor of childrens difficulties (Cummings, Goeke-Morey, Graham, 2002). It was said that marital conflict impacts childrens adjustment problems. These conflicts between parents consistently associated with externalized behavioral problems of children. These problems further influence childrens intellectual and academic achievements (Cummings, Goeke-Morey, Graham, 2002). Research also showed that children who experienced parents divorce are at higher risks of behavior problems (Stacks, 2005). Moreover, overt marital conflicts of parents were significantly risk predictors to youth maladjustment problems (Garard Buehler, 1999). Parent-Child relationship The parent-child relationship also plays an important role in influencing child development. The origin and developmental dynamics of antisocial behavior are said to be childrens early insecurity (Kochanska, Barry, Stellern, OBleness, 2009). Parental power assertion and resentful opposition lead to the insecurity of children. Poor parent-child relationship has shown impacts on childrens future antisocial behavior (Kochanska, Barry, Stellern, OBleness, 2009). Parenting Style Discipline Prevatt (2003) claimed that family risk and negative practices are highly predictive to childrens disruptive behavior and emotional adaptation. Negative family factors, such as inadequate parental involvement and poor parenting, primarily accounts for externalizing behavior (Prevatt, 2003). Dishion and Bullock (2002) also suggested that parenting practices plays an important role in childrens problem behavior. Both coercive limit-setting and poor monitoring are having direct influences on child negative behavioral outcome. Externalized behavior, such as outer-directed aggressive behavior, is one of the main indicators of maladjustment (Garard Buehler, 1999). There are three important correlates of youth maladjustment are repeatedly exposure to hostile and poor parenting. The poor parenting environment and the use of hostile are influencing risk factors to youth by showing negative interaction patterns within the family (Garard Buehler, 1999). Research shows that parenting put impacts on the development of disruptive behavior (Stacks, 2005). Parental warmth, responsiveness, and consistent limit setting are important to childrens development. Negative family interactions and functioning bring about aggression and violence to childrens behavior. Children who experienced violence directly are said to be in higher risks for externalizing behavior. These violent experiences include corporal punishment and physical abuse (Stacks, 2005). Childhood and developmental outcomes are associated with mild and harsh parental physical discipline (Lansford et al., 2009). Social context and family system leads to developmental consequences to children. Childrens externalizing behaviors are found to be associated with parents use of physical corporal discipline (Lansford et al., 2009). Lansford et al. (2009) also suggested that the antisocial behavior resulted from negative discipline may continue in later development. Corporal physical discipline in early childhood is related to increase in childrens behavior problems which would more likely to show in later years (Alink et al., 2009). Children learn to be aggressive through social learning theory (Bandura, 1973), they are also reinforced to use negative behavior to get parents attention (Alink et al., 2009) Conclusion Externalizing behaviors have great consequences to childrens eventual developmental pathway in their future. Research over the years has tried to determine how different factors contribute in deviant children behavior. Many factors can be added to the risks for externalizing antisocial behavior. Not only personal factors, risks from school, but also family factors, such as parenting style, parent-child relationship, parents marital relationship are also very influencing factors on child behavior problems. In sum, negative parenting is evitable in enabling poor child behavior, it is worthwhile to go into the family context and study the effect of parenting style to children behavior problem.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

B.F. Skinner Essay -- Biographies Biography Psychologist Essays

B.F. Skinner B.F. Skinner was born on March 20, 1904 in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. He grew up in a happy and â€Å"stable† home environment. Skinner spent a lot of time as a child building and inventing things. After Skinner attended Hamilton College, he worked as a newspaper writer. Then, he went to New York City for a few months and worked as a bookstore clerk. It was here that Skinner read books about the famous behavior theorists, Pavlov and Watson (B.F. Skinner Foundation, 2002). When Skinner turned 24, he attended graduate school at Harvard University. As a Psychology student, he teamed up with Physiology Professor, William Crozier. Together, they began to study the relationship between behavior and experimental conditions. During his time at Harvard, Skinner conducted many experiments using rats (B.F.Skinner Foundation, 2002). Skinner’s findings made him â€Å"the most influential psychologist of the 20th century† (Roblyer,2003, p.57). B. F. Skinner concluded that people could mentally have control over all of their responses. He believed that a reinforcement and/or consequence given after a behavior would influence future behavior (Roblyer,2003, p.57). In other words, reinforcements and/or punishments can shape human behavior. For example, if a child eats all of his vegetables at dinner and his parent’s reward him with positive words and a cookie, then the child will probably eat his vegetables at the next dinner. Skinner’s theory can be applied inside the classroom as well. A teacher can get her students to behave by positively reinforcing acceptable behavior and punishing or negatively reinforcing poor behavior. A teacher can also get her student to work hard in her class by doing the same thing. I am planning ... ... with Skinner when he said, â€Å"The major problems of the world today can be solved only if we improve our understanding of human behaviors† (B.F.Skinner Foundation, 2003). As a future teacher, I believe that I can reinforce students to behave desirably in the future. I can also positively reinforce the use of technology in the classroom so students are excited to learn about and use this technology. This is mainly because I feel technology is such an important tool in the classroom. In conclusion, B.F. Skinner’s theory about shaping behavior by using positive and/or negative reinforcements can be extremely useful in the classroom. Works Cited B.F.Skinner Foundation. (2002, October 18) About B.F.Skinner. Retrieved September 18,2003 from Roblyer, M.D. (2003). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching Merril Prentice Hall.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Organisation And Presentation Skills Education Essay

The learning diary provides a turning apprehension of a topic or experience and is â€Å" to back up academic enquiry and to make a history of larning for pupils to research thoughts, ask inquiries and react personally to their experiences with contemplation † ( Popp, 1997 ) . Daudelin ( 1996 ) states â€Å" contemplation is the procedure of stepping back from an experience to chew over, carefully and persistently, its significance to the ego through the development of illations ; acquisition is the creative activity of intending from past or current events that serves as a usher for future behavior † . This definition explicitly captures the relation of contemplation to acquisition and suggests that contemplation is built-in to larning when acquisition is defined as doing sense of past experience to understand and impact future experience.Learning StylePrior to an rating of my accomplishments development it is important to set up and reflect on my dominant learning man ner. With the usage of Kolb ‘s et Al ( 1984 ) ‘Learning Style Inventory ‘ ( LSI ) and Myres-Briddgs Type Indicator ( MBTI ) theory I have been able to measure my aptitude and acquisition manners with the consequences illustrated in ‘Appendix 1 ‘ . Kolb ‘s ‘Learning Style Inventory ‘ illustrated in ‘figure 1 ‘ is designed to assist persons place the manner they learn from experience. Zanich ( 1991 ) states the Learning Style Inventory is â€Å" a simple self-description trial, based on experiential acquisition theory, designed to mensurate your failings and strengths as a scholar † . Figure Beginning: Kolb et Al. ( 1984 ) Figure The consequences of my LSI trial in ‘appendix 1 ‘ show that I have an orientation towards ‘Abstract Conceptualization ‘ . This suggests I am a ‘theorist ‘ and concentrate on logical analysis of thoughts and act on rational apprehension of a state of affairs. Kolb ( 1999 ) nevertheless goes on to state it is the combination of the consequences from the stock list that will depict an person ‘s learning manner most accurately. As shown in ‘figure 2 ‘ the combination of my consequences ( a high mark in AE and AC ) indicate I have a ‘converging ‘ learning manner. Persons with a meeting acquisition manner are said to utilize their hypothetical-reasoning to work out a job and happen solutions to practical issues ( Syed-Khuzzan & A ; Goulding, 2009 ) . They besides like facts, working independently and will seek to do things efficient by doing little and careful alterations ( Kolb, 1979 ) . In add-on to this Tobei ( 2009 ) suggests that those with this manner â€Å" learn through interaction and that computer-based acquisition is more effectual with them than other methods † . This is accurate in its representation of my learning manner as my acquisition penchant is larning through contact and computing machines nevertheless preferring to work entirely in happening replies to solutions. Kolb ( 1984 ) states the strength of those with a meeting acquisition manner is that they think about things and so seek out their thoughts to see if they work in pattern. This is promoting as my grade of survey ( Economics Bsc ) is based on statistical th eory and techniques for application in economic theory. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ( MBTI ) was besides designed to measure personality types and interpersonal operation and has been normally usedA in finding acquisition manners ( Golay, 1982 ) . The consequences from my MBTI trial compliment my LSI mark. Myers ( 1990 ) suggest that those with the INTP acquisition manner are quiet, flexible, â€Å" theoretical and interested more in thoughts than in societal interaction with the unusual ability to concentrate in deepness to work out jobs in their country of involvement † and can frequently be doubting or critical. I am in understanding with both sets of consequences as I am more of a ‘thinking ‘ orientated scholar and prefer to work out jobs utilizing concluding and working independently. Both trials demoing a similar consequence and reading of my learning manner therefore it can be concluded that both are accurate. Kolb et Al ( 1984 ) besides mentions that there are strengths and failings associated with each manner and that it may alter from clip to clip and state of affairs to state of affairs. This thought is supported in my LSI consequences where I have a high orientation towards an ‘Active Experiment ‘ ( AE ) manner nevertheless the mark of my ‘Reflective Observation ‘ ( RO ) and ‘Concrete experience ‘ ( CE ) manner penchant have small difference between them. This suggests that although I prefer ‘thinking ‘ and ‘doing ‘ I am willing to follow and accommodate my larning manner to include ‘watching ‘ and ‘feeling ‘ . Kolb high spots that people who prefer a learning manner will be given to larn more efficaciously if acquisition is orientated harmonizing to their penchant nevertheless besides acknowledges that restricting pupils to larning in one preferable manner tends to â€Å" forestall them from developi ng their full acquisition potency † and that it is more effectual to plan a course of study prosecuting scholars of every acquisition manner ( Delahoussaye, 2002 ) . Many surveies have highlighted the utility of finding larning manners with regard to single development and as I will be establishing my acquisition development on my determined learning manner there is a demand to be cognizant of the unfavorable judgments of such theories. An non-peer-reviewed literature reappraisal critiques Kolb ‘s acquisition manner stock list and other larning manner theoretical accounts by challenging their dependability saying there is â€Å" no grounds that ‘matching ‘ improves academic public presentation in farther instruction † ( Coddielt et al, 2004 ) and Kolb ( 1984 ) himself admits that LSI is non unequivocal or ever accurate. Learning manners can nevertheless be really utile to pupils to derive self-awareness ( Evans et al, 1998 ) and I and many other pupils feel that this is true.Skills DevelopmentMy 2nd twelvemonth at university has been one of contemplation and development as I have become more self-conscious about my streng ths and failings. I have chosen to measure with the application of larning theory my development within the undergraduate programme, how I am nearing the approaching assessment period and the accomplishments I feel are most of import for a successful calling after graduation from university. Throughout my accomplishments development I have used Kolb ‘s Learning Cycle theory ( illustrated in ‘figure 3 ‘ ) which I learnt about in my first twelvemonth at university. Kolb ‘s acquisition rhythm has enabled me highlight and address my failings while bettering my accomplishments. Figure The Kolb Cycle – made up of four phases ( see text description below ) Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // Administration and Presentation SkillsPresentation and administration accomplishments are really of import in the workplace and employers are said to put great value on both presentation and administration accomplishments ( Gupta, 2008 ) . In my first twelvemonth at university I had to give a presentation as portion of a accomplishment constructing undertaking and in my Personal Management Development faculty in the current academic twelvemonth I have given an assessed group presentation. In readying for both my person and group presentations I feel I demonstrated good administration and presentation accomplishments. I have ever considered myself to be good organised nevertheless found that during my 2nd twelvemonth at university with a higher work burden it has been disputing and this has made me cognizant of the demand to fix in progress for assignments. In my 2nd twelvemonth I have besides made certain to organize my notes and research stuff in a more orderly mode specifically aimed at helping me more expeditiously during the assessment period. Although I felt that my group presentation was good organised and effectual, feedback from the assessor informed us that as a group we failed to enrich the presentation. I personally had found it hard to happen ways to heighten the presentation manner. For illustration, my subdivision of the presentation although was short and precise it was a really a aggregation of facts and theory. This can be applied to Whetton and Camerons ( 2007 ) ‘Five S ‘s Approach to an Effective Presentation illustrated in ‘figure 4 ‘ . Figure Beginning: Whetton & A ; Cameron, 2007 Application of this theoretical account to me shows that I am good at all the five stairss except I fail to execute in ‘combining thoughts with an heightening presentation manner ‘ . There is no widely accepted theory or theoretical account for an effectual presentation but most writers give accent to in depth readying and dry run. This is farther supported by Bradbury ( 2009 ) ‘Seven Basic Stairss for Successful Presentation Skills ‘ illustrated in ‘figure 5 ‘ . FigureSeven Basic Steps for Successful Presentation Skills ‘Decide what you want to accomplish. Decide whether a formal presentation is the best manner to accomplish this aim. If you decide to travel in front with the presentation make up one's mind what organize it should take. Fix a book Design and fix your ocular AIDSs and press releases. Rehearse Make it Beginning: Bradbury, 2006 For future presentations I have learnt to use an enhancing presentation manner which is more attending grabbing and can assist me farther in showing an statement or prosecuting the audience. To enable me to make this for illustration I will utilize more ocular AIDSs such as bold rubrics, images and statistics ( Jay and Jay, 2004 ) . I have besides realised through application of the above theoretical accounts that for future presentations I will necessitate to practise more than I have done in the yesteryear as the success of an statement is said to depend on the thoroughness of the presentation ( Herr et al, 2001 ) . Herr et Al ( 2001 ) provinces rehearsal is the critical to the effectivity of a presentation and helps polish timing, reduces trust on notes and physiques assurance. I late went for a occupation interview where one of the undertakings asked of me were to carry the employee why I should acquire the occupation. I was successful in carrying him and got the employment as I incorporated in this interview the techniques I learnt above about presentation accomplishments. In the undertaking where I was asked to sell myself I used bold descriptions instead than tiring facts. Although an interview is different to a presentation holding an mutualist undertaking and holding to accommodate with the cognition I have complimented my learning manner.2. Time Management, Stress Management and Essay authorship accomplishmentsThe general tendency from the passage as a first twelvemonth pupil to 2nd twelvemonth was that the outlook for the quality of the work had been raised as had the work burden. This addition of work became of all time more apparent in the first semester of my 2nd twelvemonth where I had several assignments due all near the same day of the month. During this period I besides had committednesss to my football squad and had to travel work during the weekends. Increasing force per unit area to accomplish good consequences in my grade and run into my work and athletics committednesss meant I had to go flexible and more efficient in my clip direction. Despite committednesss and a high work burden with the demand to prioritize my clip I found that I could still suit in socializing and leisure clip although I did experience the increasing demand for stress direction. Jamison ( 2001 ) defines emphasis as â€Å" a physical and psycho-emotional province of inordinate rousing † and it can be caused when there is â€Å" an instability between the stimulation and the persons get bying schemes † . Whetton and Cameron ( 2007 ) place the four chief beginnings of emphasis as Encounter, Situational and Anticipatory stressors and as in my state of affairs Time stressors. The usage of good planning and clip direction I found helped my counter my stressors and some of the methods I employed are suggested by Whetton and Cameron ( 2007 p129 ) in their '20 Rules for Everyone ‘ . During the first semester I was doing usage of my contriver and guaranting I made efficient usage of my clip by interrupting down undertakings and puting personal ends. My athletics and frequent exercising is besides considered to hold helped me as a balanced diet and other practical schemes are said to assist forestall Encounter or Anticipatory stressors ( Chandler an d Brown, 2007 ) . Application of Lewin ‘s ( 1997 ) Stress Force Field diagram as illustrated in ‘figure 6 ‘ shows that if the strength of the Time stressor on me has small consequence because of my keeping force of good clip direction so both driving and keeping forces are equal. Figure WTN02f01 Beginning: PMD Lecture notes, 2010 Better clip direction and clearer ends led me to researching farther in how to better my essay composing accomplishments which was an country that I had underachieved in during my first twelvemonth of university. Support from the survey advice services highlighted that to better my essay composing accomplishments I would necessitate to guarantee my work is appraising and critical guaranting all points are supported with grounds and mentions. Constructing on this farther I have used Bloom ‘s Taxonomy of Learning illustrated in ‘figure 7 ‘ which is a categorization of larning aims within instruction systems ( Chyung and Stepich, 2003 ) . I employed elements from the ‘Evaluation ‘ and ‘Analysis ‘ throughout my work by seeking for a assortment of positions to an statement and by utilizing a assortment of research resources such as diaries. Employment of Blooms taxonomy is said to be an first-class model for steering comprehension insutructions ( Buehl, 2008 ) and it has enabled me to inquire deeper inquiries in my essay authorship. Critics of Bloom ‘s Taxonomy highlight that the theoretical account â€Å" focuses on believing procedures in isolation and does non see how these procedures may iperate otherwise on peculiar sorts of information † ( Harmon and Jones, 2005 ) howver the model has been widely adopted and is used extensively used and updated. ( alteration somewhat this ) . Blooms taxonomy helped me even more during my assessment period in reply to inquiries which I was more appraising. I improved my essay authorship and appraising accomplishments through theory which complimented my learning manner. ( write about you managed clip and emphasis through blahblah which shows you can follow other ways ) . Figure hypertext transfer protocol: // Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // of my development shows I have employed Argyris and Schon ‘s double-loop acquisition theoretical account as illustrated in ‘figure 12121 ‘ . hypertext transfer protocol: // Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // Double-loop acquisition is said to happen â€Å" when the monitoring procedure initiates action to polish the ‘governing variables ‘ to run into the new state of affairs, which may be imposed by the external environment † ( Armstrong, 2006 ) . As the theoretical account suggests my development shows I have used feedback from past actions for illustration in my old twelvemonth of university and prior to that to oppugn underlying current positions such as failings in my accomplishments. The usage of theories and theoretical accounts have enabled me to measure results and with my desired results and use double-loop acquisition to take at the coveted results. For illustration although my preferable acquisition manner has been apparent throughout my development I have shown non to waver to oppugn this value and follow different acquisition manners for effectual acquisition in different state of affairss. GOAL FOR THE SUMMER better this so one can Make THIS.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Apartheid Era Pass Laws of South Africa

South African pass laws were a major component of apartheid that focused on separating South African Indian, Colored, and black African citizens according to their race. This was done to promote the supposed superiority of whites and to establish the minority white regime. Legislative laws were passed to accomplish this, including the Land Act of 1913, the Mixed Marriages Act of 1949, and the Immorality Amendment Act of 1950—all of which were created to separate the races. Designed to Control Movement Under apartheid, pass laws were designed to control the movement of black Africans, and they are considered one of the most grievous methods that the South African government used to support apartheid. The resulting legislation (specifically Abolition of Passes and Co-ordination of Documents Act No. 67 of 1952) introduced in South Africa required black Africans to carry identity documents in the form of a reference book when outside a set of reserves (later known as homelands or bantustans.) Pass laws evolved from regulations that the Dutch and British enacted during the 18th-century and 19th-century slave economy of the Cape Colony. In the 19th century, new pass laws were enacted to ensure a steady supply of cheap African labor for the diamond and gold mines. In 1952, the government passed an even more stringent law that required all African men age 16 and over to carry a reference book (replacing the previous passbook) which held their personal and employment information. (Attempts to force women to carry passbooks in 1910, and again during the 1950s, caused strong protests.) Passbook Contents The passbook was similar to a passport in that it contained details about the individual, including a photograph, fingerprint, address, the name of his employer, how long the person had been employed, and other identifying information. Employers often entered an evaluation of the pass holders behavior. As defined by law, an employer could only be a white person. The pass also documented when permission was requested to be in a certain region and for what purpose, and whether that request was denied or granted. Urban areas were considered white, so a nonwhite person needed a passbook to be inside a city. Under the law, any governmental employee could remove these entries, essentially removing permission to stay in the area. If a passbook didnt have a valid entry, officials could arrest its owner and put him in prison. Colloquially, passes were known as the dompas, which literally meant the dumb pass. These passes became the most hated and despicable symbols of apartheid. Violating Pass Laws Africans often violated the pass laws to find work and support their families and thus lived under constant threat of fines, harassment, and arrests. Protests against the suffocating laws drove the anti-apartheid struggle—including the Defiance Campaign in the early 50s and the huge womens protest in Pretoria in 1956. In 1960, Africans burned their passes at the police station in Sharpeville and 69 protesters were killed. During the 70s and 80s, many Africans who violated pass laws lost their citizenship and were deported to impoverished rural homelands. By the time the pass laws were repealed in 1986, 17 million people had been arrested.